Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The real Issue

What is the real issue in this election year?  Is it the economy.  Nowadays the economy is collapsing.  More and more companies are falling apart and going into bankruptcy.  AIG and other major companies are asking for a government bailout.  It began with Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae.  Also the housing market is in shambles.  The government has had to bailout some major companies and even more are being put on the table.  

This is a major issue but I think the biggest issue is this idea of bipartisan politics.  So much these days we hear the words Red America and Blue America we have become so much ingrained with what party we belong to rather than the country we come from.  Actually the founders spoke out against political parties saying in Federalist Paper number 10 that factions would be the end of the country.  I wouldn't go that far.  We need factions to get both sides of stories so there is not one party at the head.  But to allow them to split our country so much and the government so much that some things could not be passed is a problem.  If we first do not accomplish this than the economic problem will still fester like a sore.  

We are one country and so we need a leader who can reach over party lines to do this.  I am not saying who I think would be best because frankly I see problems with both candidates but that is what we need for the future not looking at oh the Democrats are in charge or the Republicans.  We are one country and need to look at it like that.  We can't look down at one another because they are in a different party but try to understand where they are coming from.  Look at both sides of a story.  It is not Red America or Blue America, we are not the North or the South, we are all citizens of the United States of America.  

" Liberty is to faction as air is to fire, an ailment without which it easily expires."-  James Madison.

A story about bailout talks.

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