Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Democratic View part 2

So the rally began with a bang.  They had a high school band that played.  The band had a very limited repertoire and repeated the same songs over again.  The songs were a lot lower than they should be but, it did create a fun atmosphere.  My favorite was their rendition of Europe's "The Final Countdown".  The first big speaker of the day was Republican Congressman Phil English.  he got the crowd going.  He attacked his opponent and did not really say what he was going to do, but I expected that because most political speeches from either side are like that.  

The next speaker was a hometown favorite former Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge.  The crowd gave him a huge applause and the man introduced the person who everyone was their to see.  Governor Palin took the stage with here daughter and husband.  Her first point was to introduce her husband, who she referred to as the First "Dude" of Alaska.  She made some comments about the election, mentioned Obama being a Socialist and our good friend Joe the Plumber.  I won't go into detail.  

The one statement that really threw me was when she said that McCain has served this country.  Now I know she was referring to his military service but, I feel people use this term loosely.  the word served can be used in other terms.  Has Obama not served the people of Chicago, working to help the underprivileged?  Has he not served Illinois in the Senate for the past three years.  So, to say that he has not served this country is insane.  I am grateful and thank him for his service in the military.  He has done many things.  But, to say that Obama has done nothing really gets to me.  There are many definitions of the word, and we have to remember that.  Obama has served the state of Illinois, the city of Chicago, and the United States.  

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